Africa New Day - Un Jour Nouveau
a Congo Reform Association partner organization
Learn about Africa New Day's story and their inspiring work in the Eastern Congo through these videos produced by the Congo Reform Association.
Founded by Camille & Esther Ntoto, Africa New Day is based in Goma, DRC. Camille explains the work of Africa New Day, “Our goal is to attack the root causes of conflict in order to address present situations, reconcile the past, and prevent future recurrences of crisis. Because social cohesion is so strong within the fabric of Congolese culture, our Christ-centered and holistic strategies empower individuals in order to influence and transform the society.”
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The Congo Reform Association introduces Camille and Esther Ntoto, the founders of Africa New Day - Un Jour Nouveau. Camille explains how he and Esther began their work in Eastern Congo and the events leading up to establishing Africa New Day.
Camille Ntoto, the founder and president of Africa New Day - Un Jour Nouveau, explains Africa New Day's five key programs in the Eastern Congo. Africa New Day - Un Jour Nouveau is based in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Camille Ntoto from Africa New Day - Un Jour Nouveau, explains the purpose of their work in the Eastern Congo. Camille explains how Africa New Day is providing a network of opportunity to the people of the Eastern Congo through education and leadership development.
Esther Ntoto of Africa New Day - Un Jour Nouveau tells this remarkable and inspiring story of how Prince wrote his "I Have a Dream Speech." Prince, a young man from the Eastern Congo, dreams of peace, stability and a thriving Congo.
Camille Ntoto of Africa New Day - Un Jour Nouveau offers stories of resilience and solution for the Eastern Congo Conflict. Too often, people develop a negative attitude towards the problems of Africa, but as Camille states, there are plenty of stories of hope and resilience coming out of the Eastern Congo and many parts of Africa.
Camille Ntoto of Africa New Day - Un Jour Nouveau tells the inspiring story of Duodine and how he established a literacy program for women and children in Goma, Eastern Congo. Instead of complaining about the problems in his hometown, Duodine decided to teach women and children how to read and write.
Esther Ntoto of Africa New Day - Un Jour Nouveau explains how war, misery and devastation will not have the last word in the Eastern Congo. The work of Africa New Day - Un Jour Nouveau is to inspire the people of the Congo to dream again.
Camille Ntoto of Africa New Day - Un Jour Nouveau explains how your financial support of Africa New Day will make a difference in the lives of people in the Eastern Congo.